Not much has been happening here for quite some time. Not surprising really... But in the last month and a bit I have undertaken some Non-SCA sewing. Long story short, was introduced to a guy who runs a number of bands and was asked to make some shirts for the band.
This was actually harder than I really thought and expected, but I managed to complete 6 shirts from scratch for their New Years Eve gig. I also whipped up some collar and cuff/facing detail on some existing shirts in time for the gig too. Hopefully I'll get some photos up here soon.
I still have another two sets of 6 shirts to complete before March so I really need to do all of that first seeing as I'm being paid for it (which is helping fund my trip to NZ).
On the SCA list of things to do with the thousand dollars* worth of fabric I have under my bed:
1. Hollandish
2. Venetian
3. Silk painted banner for Andre (which I promised by this Festival)
I guesstimated the price and I did not spend that much on the fabricAlso I need to finish the armholes on the Blue Dress of Disasters, which I ended up making oversleeves for.

I'm sure there's other things I'll need to sort out but the paying job is first.