I begin swearing like a trooper!
Yeah, I had to warn my housemates today that, when I sew, I swear... a lot. And often. Hey, I wouldn't be living up to the name 'Sewing Rage' if I didn't ;)
What Am I sewing? I'm making a cap to go with the Cranach from the fantabulous House of Charlet which is now mine because it fits me and Miss Charlie does in fact rock!
So May Crown is this weekend, and I figured I should make a cap to finish off the whole outfit. So last weekend Miss Charlie and I went out to find the fabric... and failed. Though I did manage to spend a lot of money on other things. But more of that another time.
So yesterday, we headed in to
Tessuti in Surry Hills and snaffled some yellow silk. Oh and we walked a whole lot too. And went to the bling shop in Petersham for pearls (it's a bling shop with lots of stuff, but not quite everything for whichever option I want!).
So today I measured and cut the silk and, I think it's a cotton, possibly drill, layer and sewed it up around the edge and zig-zagged it and put it on a frame and started sewing on the bling.
And since this is my sewing blog, I thought I'd better record it all for posterity. I chose not to record the string of cusses that flowed from my mouth this afternoon. I thought about taking it on the bus to work so I can work on it all week... but remembered the sewing induced tourettes and though better of it. Will just have to work on it at home this week and hope to finish it for Saturday.
Here, have some photos: