1. Finish the Blue Dress of Disasters

First there was the "MonoBoob" issue. Yup, one large boob coming to a point - not particularly flattering.
Then I discovered it was too big. So I unpicked all the lovely hand stich finished seams and took it in. I thought this might solve the monoboob issue. It didn't.
After a second conslut with Miss D (while on a flying trip to Syd) she suggested just pushing the pointy bit back in on itself and hand stitching it into place thus making the curve less point. That worked.
Now, on to sleeves. I patterned them. I pinned them on and it all worked. Until I cut out the fabric and hand stitched the damn things in place... tight around the shoulders and can't sew up the seams.

I think I need to reshape the curve on the top of the sleeves... maybe?

So I'll probably add a panel once I sort the top bit out... Or I might just make a new pattern and cut new sleeves.
Once the sleeves are on (and in working order) I just need to make oversleeves *phew* I'm tired thinking about it.
2. Dez's Red and Black Cloak

I just need to line it. I have the fabric, have cut and sewn it together, now I just have to sew the lining and the cloak together and finish it.
3. Hollandish
I have the fabric, just not the instructions on how to make it.
Will pester Miss D at Festival (ok more likely after Festival) and work on it after Festival crush
4. Dez's Tunic's/ Shirts
Again, have fabric but no real pattern. But he needs them for Festival so might have to get a wriggle on on that one.
5. Venetian Mask
For the Midwinter ball A&S comp in June. I have some leather and might investigate making a Commedia Mask... or maybe just some pretty mask and a basic costume... again, that's an after Festival crush project
6. Narrow Wares Kingdom A&S Entry
The plan is to try a couple of techniques and submit the lot with what/how/why I did it etc.
I'm thinking Lucet 9some vague it's kinda period doco), Fingerlooping, Nalbinging (if that's included), not sure I can think of any others... not keen on tablet weaving but maybe I need to 'try' it. Again, for May so shoudl do some now and some after Festival... or at Festival! Oh! I forgot to mention the attempt to spin my own yarn and THEN Fingerloop or Lucet it into a finished product... I've started the spinning, but not really good at it yet.
So there they are... yikes! 6!
Well, fingers crossed.
you're getting as bad as me...
lj, blogspot, myspace and vox.
do i use them all?
Hi! *flails arms* It's me, Celsa. My blogger blog is full of political and philosophical rants and rambles, but my comments here will likely appear under this logon.
Regarding documentation - blogs are a great place to store links to useful sites - I make a habit of it. As I've had a few great sites vanish on me over the years, I also tend to copy and paste the rare and crucial sections of text into private entries so I can be confident that I will have the relevant information and citations when I need them.
Good luck with your garb projects - ooh! I'll probably see you this afternoon! :-)
Right, now our phone conversation last night makes more sense.
Looking at the pictures, there looks like a fold at the top of the sleeve, which possibly indicates that the angle your sleeve is set in is too acute (i.e. the sleeve points more down rather than out at right angles).
You can adjust this by changing the depth of the 'S' curve at the top of the sleeve piece. Making it shallower may help.
Also moving the seam to run along the back of the arm rather than orignating from the arm-pit may help.
Good luck!
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