I made them with silk paint (iron setting). I traced Dez's design on and had a device on acetate which I projected onto the silk at work before I finishes on Friday. I'd spoken with Art and took on her safety pin and rubber band stretching technique.
I guttered up the lot and got painting. Dez's design is quite
Then I got started on the Cairnfell one, infinitely more complex, infinitely more opportunity to f**k it up... which I did.
Looks pretty good I he
So you can see there's some serious bleeding from green to yellow. I think the yellow was still a little damp when I did the green so it bled a lot more. I waited longer before doing the black and it didn't bleed nearly as much.
Lessons learned: More gutta, more waiting between colours, iron fixing is goood!
Also today I made a fighting shirt for Dez with padding at the kidneys and elbow (lots of swearing at that one), 2 coifs for Dez, and I made a red surcoat for me to wear which will match him. No pics as the camera's packed already.
Still need to hand stitch the necklines of 2 underdresses... actually I could just go sewing machine them now, and their cuffs. Also hand stitch the tops of the over sleeves for the blue dress of disasters. Then I think I'm done.
Better go do it all! See you all at Festival
Banners look great to me. Don't forget, you must always apply the 5 yard rule: how does it look from 5 yards away? Good? then it's perfect.
See you Friday! Yippee Festival
Banners look great! Looking forward to seeing them at Festival.
Hint on preventing dye bleed - when you do the gutta, take the silk off the frame and iron the reverse side. Check to see if there are places where the gutta hasn't come all the way through the fabric. If so, put it back on the frame other side up and go over the dodgy spots.
I did this on my second attempt of my standard and while it is a pain to take the silk on and off, it did seem to prevent dye bleed. Only bleed I got was where the dye flicked off the brush into the wrong bit.
I still haven't gotten the guts to steam-set my second standard. Need to purchase jumbo steamer from an Asian supply store.
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